Campus Safety Tips

人们往往会把自己或自己的财产置于不必要的危险之中,从而助长机会性犯罪. 预防工作可以有效地减少犯罪活动的机会.

Student Safety Check-lists

  • Sign-up for or update your personal information for Eagle Alerts.
  • 在您的Eagle Alerts帐户下添加其他重要联系人(家长), guardians, loved ones, etc.).
  • Like CMU on Facebook ( or Twitter (@cmuniv) to keep up-to-date in emergency situations.
  • Program an 'In Case of Emergency' (ICE) entry into your cell phone.
  • Learn what you are supposed to do during an emergency.
  • Keep your car locked at all times and keep valuables out of sight.
  • Know where the emergency exits are in each building. They are posted by the stairs or elevators.
  • Check your residence for safety issues (windows, locks, lighting, etc.),并向宿舍主任或宿舍助理报告任何不正常的功能.

Safety Tips

  • Be aware of your surroundings (situational awareness). Avoid walking around while using electronic devices (i.e. cell phone, I-Pod, etc.). Electronic devices may distract you from things going on around you.
  • Never travel alone. Traveling with a friend is a good idea on or off campus. 如果你发现自己一个人在校园里,一个人走路不舒服, 您可以在正常工作时间拨打赌钱游戏官方网站电话:660-202-0848 24/7或660-248-6295(工厂运营),让安全人员陪同您出入校园.
  • Know your campus. Review a map of the campus at a minimum. Know where the emergency phones are located. 最好的做法是在白天在校园里散步,这样你就能在黑暗的时候更熟悉周围的环境.
  • 当你在漆黑的校园里徒步旅行时,一定要和朋友一起走在光线充足的地方.
  • 随时准备好你的电话,并准备好紧急电话号码,以应对意外的紧急情况.
  • When walking to your car, 当你进入停车场或街道时,你的钥匙准备好了吗.
  • If you feel you are being followed, walk or run to an occupied residence hall, facility, or an area where people are present. Yelling or screaming may also be effective. 准备好在正常工作时间拨打赌钱游戏官方网站电话:660-202-0848 24/7或660-248-6295(工厂运营). In an emergency call 911 for Fayette Police Department.
  • Never allow anyone to follow you into a building requiring a key card. If they need in, they will have a key card allowing them access.
  • Never prop open a door requiring a key card. This is how people who don't belong in buildings gain access.
  • Ensure you secure your doors and windows to your room or home.
  • Never flash large amounts of money or leave money unsecured. Keep personal belongings secured when not in use.
  • Report a crime if you are a witness or victim. Sensitive crimes can be reported confidentially.

Your Role

A high percentage of campus crimes are incidents of opportunity. 学生通常会将自己或自己的财产置于不必要的危险之中,从而助长情境犯罪. Crime will occur whenever there is opportunity, but prevention efforts can be effective in reducing these opportunities. You play an essential role in crime prevention efforts. Be cautious, careful, and alert to your own safety; protect your possessions and college property.

Bystander Initiative

Building a Safer Community. What's Your Role?

CMU旁观者倡议是一项社区动员工作,重点关注领导力和旁观者干预,以防止校园伤害. CMU旁观者倡议旨在帮助CMU社区成员采取积极措施,创建一个安全的校园, recognize potentially harmful situations, identify obstacles/barriers to intervention, 并制定一套行动方案,当目击证人发现潜在的伤害时进行干预. CMU旁观者倡议帮助CMU社区成员培养一套技能,以便在遇到潜在的伤害时采取积极的行动. 参加CMU旁观者模仿研讨会和领导力培训的CMU社区成员学习识别在社会环境中可能出现的有害行为,并相互合作制定适应各种情况和个人优势的干预策略.

Being an Effective Bystander

  • 旁观者是指事件发生时在场但没有直接参与的人. 当性侵犯或性虐待发生时,旁观者可能在场,或者他们可能目睹导致这些犯罪的情况.
  • 作为旁观者介入可能会给你担心的人一个机会去到一个安全的地方或离开这种情况.
  • 成为有效旁观者的关键第一步是提高意识,使个人和团体能够更好地识别性暴力事件.
  • While it's not always easy to decide to step in and take action, it's important to realize that your actions can have a big impact.
  • In many situations, 旁观者有机会从一开始就阻止性侵犯等犯罪的发生.

Green Dot Bystander Intervention? HELP - Green Dot Bystander Intervention

Campus Facility Access

  • 在CMU,大多数建筑只在上课或正常营业时间开放. 宿舍楼总是上锁的,住客必须带卡门禁钥匙才能进入. Guests may enter only when accompanied by a resident.
  • Employees who have a key to a campus building and desire to work after hours are encouraged to contact campus safety to let the officer know; who, what when, 他们将在何处及为何占用建筑物,以确保他们的安全,并在工程完成后妥善保护房间和建筑物. 没有钥匙需要进入的人员必须持有部门负责人或主管签署的下班通行证以及学生或员工身份证,才能通过联系校园保安进入.
  • 已获授权的人士进入或离开已上锁的楼宇,不得允许任何未经授权的人士进入楼宇. 授权人员可以带客人,只要客人住在有钥匙的教职员工附近,授权人员对客人的出现承担全部责任. 进入或离开受保护建筑物的个人应负责检查门,以确保门在他们身后被锁上.
  • 被盗或丢失指定的钥匙应立即报告给部门主管和工厂运营/安全. Do not lend your keys to anyone. You are solely responsible for the keys. 根据员工福利计划,查看员工手册中的校园关键政策.

These are only a few tips. 一个人可能会尽可能地安全,但仍然会发现自己处于可能造成伤害或人身伤害的境地. Campus safety is everyone's business. Do not allow yourself to become complacent, continue to be aware of your surroundings (situational awareness). Know your neighbor's/class mates and look out for each other. 知道谁住在你的楼层或属于某个区域可以帮助你确定是否个人不属于. 如果你看到任何可疑的事情,打电话给校园保安,他们会进一步调查. Many crimes are prevented by phone calls about suspicious activity.